New Life South

Summer closed notice

Please notice that we won't celebrate Sunday service in Rågsved during the month of July. Welcome back on August 4th.

In the meanwhile, you can check other churches in our network for services during July.

About us

New Life South started as a small community early in 2019. With the dream and heart to work on God's kingdom in the southern part of Stockholm, Cris and Matet formed a team of like-minded people around them.

We had our first Sunday meeting in September in the community center of Rågsved. Our meetings are filled with worship, prayer, kids activities, preaching and, of course, coffee and fika. During the week we continue to have fellowship in home groups that we call Lifegroups to share our life together, pray, and learn from the Bible so that we become more like Jesus.

Having our church in the multicultural community of Rågsved means more than just a meeting place, we want to show God's love to the people in this area by contributing in social activities. We believe we are better together.

What we do

Sunday worship service (Sundays 11:00 AM) — No service during July

Our Sunday service starts at 11:00 AM. We have different ways of spending this time but it always includes worship (check out our Spotify playlist), prayer, fellowship and fika. In addition we listen to the word of God through preaching by one of our teachers, studying the Bible in small groups, or listening to the testimony of one of our brothers and sisters on Story Sunday.


Being part of a church is not restricted to Sundays. During the week we continue to have fellowship in home groups that we call Lifegroups. We use this time in a small group of 4-10 people to share life together: our ups and downs, pray for each other, and learn from the Bible so that we become more like Jesus.


Sundays are just as important for small people as they are for grown-ups! You can leave your children to our Kidslife leaders and they will have a fun, educative, and encouraging time during the service. We want the church to be available in all of life’s seasons.

Our pastors

Cris and Matet Salvador

Cris and Matet Salvador

Cris and Matet Salvador are a couple from the Philippines who dream to impact the world with hope. Cris finished his Bachelor of Arts in Ministry and Bachelor in Teaching Education while Matet completed her Bachelor in Accountancy. They both served in Campus Ministry where Cris was a pastor for 9 years. Lead by God to Stockholm Sweden in November 2011, they began to help in a church and further became part of New Life Alvik. Their love for God and people motivated them to plant a church in the Southern part of Stockholm, where they currently live.

Lauren and Artur Zapater

Lauren and Artur Zapater

Lauren and Artur Zapater moved to Sweden and joined New Life South in 2020. They both studied at Tyndale Theological Seminary in the Netherlands where Lauren received a Master of Evangelical Theology and Artur graduated with a Master of Divinity. After serving for several years on the leadership team, Lauren was appointed as co-pastor with Cris in October 2023. Lauren and Artur have a passion for teaching the Bible and equipping the church for fruitful lives of service.


What can I expect?

When we meet we come together to meet each other and to enjoy our time together. We have modern music, friendly and welcoming people and positive teaching that will encourage you in daily life.

Does it cost money?

No, absolutely not! The church is God's house and everyone is welcome in for free. You are most welcome to come by and enjoy our Sunday service without having to pay anything.

Do I have to give money during the offering?

During our Sunday service we have a moment of offering and we invite our members to give so we can build God's kingdom on Earth, but you don’t have to give! Giving is your own choice. The money we get through offerings is directed to the rent of our meeting place and to support for people in need through social ministry.

Do you have to believe in Jesus to come?

No. Everyone is welcome to our meetings, believers, non-believers, people that are in doubt, and skeptics.

What language is the service in?

Our service is bilingual: either in Swedish with live English translation, or in English with live Swedish translation.

How do I get there?

We meet in the community center Nya Rågsved Folkshus, which is in the center of Rägsved. The easiest way to get there from the north is by metro (green line towards Hägsatra, step down at Rågsved) and walk for 2 minutes. From the south there are several busses (check You can get here by car, but it might take some time to find a parking spot close by.

Do I have to drink coffee?

No you don’t have to drink coffee! We also have tea and juice. But Swedes love their coffee, so we always will have coffee with some Swedish buns or a lovely bake from one of the international brothers and sisters. Having fika is important for us because it gives us time to connect and have fellowship.

What is your vision?

You will often see the sentence: “Impacting our world with hope” spread in our church and in the New Life network. We feel passionate about reaching out to people to tell and show them Jesus Christ through our lives and ministries.

Why another church in Stockholm?

The vision of New Life Church is that it is better to have multiple churches rather than one single mega church. This builds on the idea that a smaller church allows for more and closer fellowship and makes it possible to impact your own local community.

Where can I give my offering?

We are very grateful for your gifts, it helps us keep going and we also have a budget to support missions and social ministry. You can give via Bankgiro 5352-3338 and Swish 123 065 69 26.

Our network

New Life South is part of a network of international communities in Stockholm and other parts of Sweden. Our vision is to impact the world with hope through the power of Jesus Christ. Being an international and multicultural community with members from different backgrounds makes us part of a new movement towards one church that follows Jesus and the Bible rather than the segregation of different churches in Sweden and across the world.

New Life Alvik


New Life Sollentuna

New Life Hässelby

New Life Mission Road

New Life Göteborg


Our Worship Playlist

Contact us

Contact us on Facebook.